Friday, March 2, 2012

Blood Relations

Imagine the most crazy family reunion you've ever been to. You know, with the drunk aunts, naked uncles, punk cousins, rich grandparents, etc. You look around and think, "are these people really related to me?" You can't believe that the eighty-year-old dancing on the table is really a blood relation. Or maybe you see the resemblance all too well. And yet, these are the people that you are connected to. For life.

These people haunt your every waking hour, from the moment your mom calls to see if you're alive to the time when your older sibling outshines you in an activity, to the day when your dad decides to teach you how to fix a car. They seem like the most annoying people you know, the most obnoxious, nagging, persistent family ever, and you wish they would just leave you alone. But they can't.

You are tied to them and they are tied to you in a way that can never be broken. You may not believe me, but there will come a time when you will appreciate this bond. There are moments in life when all our friends abandon us, everything we held dear is ripped from our grasp, and the priorities we once had are switched around entirely. The moment that happens to you, you will realize that the one stable thing in your life that can never change is who you're related to. In that moment, the best thing you can do is call up a family member and tell them all their woes. Because even if you despise them, they will understand the gravity of the situation simply by the fact that you're calling them.

So, if you're looking for a best friend, turn to your sister, if you need advice, ask your father, if you need a guy to spend your Saturday evenings with, invite your brother to a movie. Trust me, it'll be worth it.

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